There is no such business...
like online-business. The promising realms of unimaginable possibilities are only one click away. But what seems so obvious at first bears the risk of various pitfalls. Online business, as similar it seems, is distinct from classic one-to-one commercial interaction. Why is that so? Thinking of online-commerce, the first thought goes to Google. The second to Amazon. However, many a company far away from what we perceive as online-business has a lot more to do with the digital world: stock markets, brokers, traders. How can they make good use of the internet?
Who should attend
All those who are looking for an answer to the question "How can we converse page visits into sales?" are called upon: sales managers, marketing managers, general managers, company owners.
Your Top Benefits
- How to use contemporary interaction design to generate business
- Online-sales: opportunities and commodities
- The use of online tools and the importance of conversion
- The blog as a marketing instrument
- Why we should make use of social media
Espen Andersen
Faculty for Information Technology at the Lorange Institute of Business Zurich...