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Dr. Hans N. Mertens, MBA
"Der MBA war ein gutes Rüstzeug, die up´s and down´s in der Branche nicht als Schicksal, sondern als zu meisternde Aufgabe zu verstehen."
Architekturbüros Dr. Mertens (21 Jahre in Mitteldeutschland + Berlin; Absolvent HAB Weimar / Bauhausuniversität)
Moritz Abazie
"I expected to update my knowledge of Shipping strategy in the light of current trends in the Industry. My expectations were met especially given the interactive nature of the seminars which facilitated knowledge sharing among industry practitioners."
(cand. MBA; participant of joint module with BI Norway)
Stephan Brunner, MBA
"I benefit, even years after the completion of my study, from the excellent network."
Brunner Werbung, Meilen


The GAA is an independent Alumni organisation for the graduates of various courses at the Lorange Institute of Business and it forms the ideal foundation for the participants of our programme to create their very own personal network.

>> to the GAA Alumni organisation
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