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The Marketing of Luxury: How to sell a dream?
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01/06/2012 - 02/06/2012: The Marketing of Luxury: How to sell a dream?

Products are made in factories, but brands are created in our minds. A producer of luxury goods needs a singular idea or which concept that the customer should own.

The luxury industry has been one of the fastest growing industries over the past twenty years, especially in certain Asiatic markets. Even in difficult times the luxury industry tends to boom. Much of this growth has been driven by the captivating rise of emerging markets. But the magic trigger of the rise of the luxury goods market is not only the growing wealth of the consumers in these countries. It is the power of the brand.

The art of outstanding marketing of luxury goods lies in the balanced articulation of three dimensions: the analytical skills, the visionary and creative skills, and the craftsmanship. Other industries are inspired by the specificities of luxury marketing to change the rule of their own more commodity businesses.
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