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09/11/2012 - 10/11/2012: Innovation in Private Banking

Key client management brings all expertise of the private bank to bear on the customer’s specific situation.

The Private Banker must have a robust knowledge about the various asset catego¬ries combined together by the wealth manager in the private bank; a seamless interaction between the private banker and the wealth manager is required, based on mutual respect and understanding the clients real needs and situation.

In the private banking sector, Switzerland is one of the world's leading financial centers still, despite the turmoil after the partial fall of banking secrecy and regardless of growing competition. The outstanding quality of Switzerland's services in this sector is considered to be state-of-the-art. The banking industry has become a extraordinarily dynamic and requires more innovation ever since. This 2-day-module shall give you a fast management brush-up on the latest in private banking.
  • Understand faster the needs of the modern wealthy customer
  • Reflect the revised role of the banker’s incentives – less on sales to the individual, more on performance
  • Look inside the importance of confidence and relationship-building
  • See why transparency is all
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