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Shipping and Logistics Management

The world knows that large parts of our lives are influenced by cycles - even life itself, seasons, and long term trends affecting our existence. For business, the notion of cycles has been a key factor in determining long and short term strategies for as long as we have had records of economic activity. Determining the underlying fundamental dynamics of demand and supply impacts our business decisions and performance more than maybe any other factor.

Still, we pay little attention to truly understanding how such cycles affect the businesses we are in, and our decisions driving return on investment and performance.

The sector that is affected more by cycle dynamics than other parts of the global economy is transportation and hence logistics. One specific key segment in the global logistic space is shipping, where turns in cycles have a dramatic impact on supply and demand, and hence on the very nature of value creation. The Lorange Institute of Business Zurich is built on a long tradition of managing in business cycles, and has integrated this key element of strategic thinking and skills into its specialization.

The specialization "Shipping and Logistics Management" focuses on the integrated supply chain of transportation and logistics. A state-of-the-art approach to strategies for these sectors is provided, where the notion of speed and action leading to results is emphasised. The world's leading performance companies are basing their business models on seamless solutions using new technology and business solutions to provide such superior results for their businesses. Sharing this knowledge and approach is part of the learning experience provided in this program.
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