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Talent and Intellectual Capital Management

The specialization “Talent and Intellectual Capital Management” deals with urgent economic issues, which has been called “the war of talents” in the Anglo-Saxon regions: how does one utilize effectively employees, who are every company’s most important asset? How can one recruit the right persons for the important positions and how does the company retain them long-term.

For quite some years, the development of the global economy and the establishment of a knowledge society have increased the need for highly qualified and talented employees. In the meantime, the search for true talents and their loyalty towards the company has become a key issue for all companies that compete in the modern economy at a global and local level.

We can recognize a direct connection between the ability to retain talents and their continuous advancement on the one hand and a sustainable and substantial profit for the resources used in the company on the other hand. Talent management developed into a key issue for all successful companies and not only for the traditionally talent-oriented freelance service providers.
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