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Swiss Marketing Day in Lucerne

Movers, shakers, power and markets

What happens when you extend the power of innovative products to markets and methods? As a politician you can become president of the United States. What B. Obama achieved on the political floor did Facebook, Apple and Groupon in the economy. Out of thin air they produced large markets for existing products and services. To be precise: markets which did not exist in such a form.

By doing so movers and shakers gained power through market innovations. What exactly are those innovations? How do they work? After all, how do you create your own market? And how do existing markets develop under such co-existence?

Answers to all these questions will be given at the Swiss Marketing Day on 6 March, 2012 in the "KKL" Lucerne.
Book via the Lorange Institute (or in the marketing module below) and profit from a superb price reduction: your price is only 590 CHF *
(instead of 690 CHF). Registration

These questions will also be part of the discussion during our study module:

"Modern Marketing" (12 days)
Marketing is more and more perceived as being everybody's job in a company. This means that the responsibility for marketing activities does not lie within a group of specialists but is rather dispersed across all functions in the company.

This means that all departments should share information about customers and work on satisfying their needs.

Apply now and start your MSc in Management with a major in "High-End-Marketing" or your Executive MBA.

* Mail to or call
Published: 18/01/2012
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