Peter Vogel is an expert in the field of graduate recruiting and talent management. He is a faculty member of the Lorange Institute, lectures at our modul „Talent Recruiting & Retention: Winning the war for talents“ and speaks at our one-day-event “The Workplace of the Future”.
24.03.2012 - 25.03.2012: Talent Recruiting & Retention: Winning the war for talents
23.03.2012: Speed, Action: Results: The Workplace of the Future
1. What is the FutureWork Forum and what do you offer to the participants of the one-day-event "Workplace of the Future? What can they expect?
The FutureWork Forum is a network of HR experts from different branches. During the workshop participants will profit from various expertises and they can especially count on practical insights. They will learn the external conditions which will form and influence the working environment of tomorrow. These are macro-factors like labor law, demographic trends and technology, but also micro-factors such as the role of internal coaching/mentoring and the recruiting and retention of talents.
My seminar has two modules. In the first module
„Career Choices of Generation Y&Z and their Employability“ I will analyze and characterize the generations„Y“ and „Z“. And I will discuss which career-option could be relevant for the new generation.
In the second module „New Corporate Structures: Work Practices to Unleash the Talent of Future Generations“ I will present models which are applicable in the real world to attract and retain talents and to use their full potential.
2. You are resarching the working environment of tomorrow. Mankind has always had ideas about the future. What's the difference between man's imagination an the work of the FutureWork Forum with its intention to anticipate the workplace of tomorrow?
The difference lies in the method. We from the Futurework Forum acquire and work with scientific facts. Based on these facts we show trends and based on the trends we give guidance specifically for and with our customers and partners.
The added value of the FutureWork Forum lies in the complimentary knowledge of all partners and experts involved. In my case you'll have a mix of HR experience as founder and CEO of HR Matching AG, my know-how as a entrepreneurship coach and as well my knowledge as a researcher in the field of entrepreneurship.
The FutureWork Forum specifically works in the following fields:
- Research around the topic "future of work"
- Support our customers (firms) and their management with expert knowledge
- Reporting on the subject "future of work"
- Doing presentations and workshops
- Organizing coaching and mentoring programs
3. You are easily on the losing end when predicting the future. The flexible world of work and economy does not stick to any forecast.
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